Medium45 min4 ServesLow


Rating: 4 out of 5.

When you think of a Sunday lunch, pasta is the first option that always  comes to your mind. 

Here you will find an Italian fresh egg tagliatelle pasta recipe with an excellent dressing: the unmistakable black truffle cream.

If you are ready to discover this unique flavours, follow these instructions

Soft wheat flour400 g
Black truffle cream1 jar
Salt To taste
PepperTo taste

Preparation method

1- Place the flour on a large wooden board. Pour 20g of extra flour into a small bowl, ready to use if necessary.

2- Shape the flour to look like a volcano with a large hole in the center, then crack the eggs and pour them into the middle.

3- Beat the eggs, then mix in the flour for a few seconds. Add the reserved 20g of flour if the dough is too moist.

4- Bring the mixture together with a spatula and your hands until you obtain a consistent ball of dough.

5- Work the dough with the heel of your hand ,for 10 or 15 minutes,until the mixture is smooth and very elastic.Then wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes.

6- Dust a wooden board with 1 tbsp of flour. Unwrap the dough and flatten it with a rolling pin. Roll out the dough into thin pasta sheets, less than 1mm thick

7- If you have a pasta machine, divide the dough into 4 before rolling it out

8- To cut the pasta sheets into tagliatelle, roll the sheets up and cut them into large ¾cm strips. Unravel the cut tagliatelle strips and twirl them into little nests. Dust the nests liberally with flour to prevent them from sticking.

9- Boil the tagliatelle in plenty of lightly salted water, drain and dress with the truffle cream. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Enjoy your Sunday pasta with a typical Sardinian taste!!!

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