Explore the charming hilltop villages of Abruzzo and discover the secrets to their high number of centenarians. With a healthy Mediterranean lifestyle and strong social connections, locals practice traditions like the “sdijuno” for a long and fulfilling life. Sample the region’s fresh and wholesome cuisine, rich in local produce and time-honored recipes. Come experience the authentic Italian charm of Abruzzo.

The Charm of Abruzzo’s Hilltop Villages and Landscapes
Abruzzo, a central Italian region bordered by the Apennine Mountains and the Adriatic Sea, boasts picturesque hilltop villages, stunning natural landscapes, and rich culinary traditions. Santo Stefano di Sessanio, a medieval hilltop village located in the Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga National Park, Scanno, a picturesque village known for traditional lace-making and its scenic location on the shores of Lake Scanno, and Civitella del Tronto, a hilltop fortress village offering panoramic views, are among the region’s most beautiful and historic villages.

Abruzzo’s Longevity and Delicious Cuisine
What makes Abruzzo even more unique is that it is home to some of the world’s longest-living people. The Abruzzese people are renowned for their long and healthy lives, and researchers have identified several factors that contribute to their longevity. These factors include the region’s healthy Mediterranean diet, active lifestyle, and strong social connections. In particular, the Abruzzese tradition of sdijuno, a mid-morning snack consisting of small amounts of cheese, meat, fruit, and bread, is worth mentioning. Sdjuno is often accompanied by extra virgin olive oil on bread, a common way to eat bread in Italy, particularly in regions such as Abruzzo where olive oil production is an important industry. Abruzzo’s extra virgin olive oil is known for its high quality and unique flavor profile, which is influenced by the region’s mountainous terrain and cool climate. The olives are harvested by hand and pressed using traditional methods to preserve the oil’s rich flavor and nutritional properties.

Sdjuno is believed to provide a boost of energy and nutrients that helps to sustain physical activity and mental alertness throughout the day. In addition to healthy eating habits, the people of Abruzzo also engage in regular physical activity, often walking or cycling through the region’s stunning natural landscapes. The mountainous terrain of Abruzzo offers numerous opportunities for outdoor recreation, including hiking, skiing, and mountain biking.

In conclusion, if you appreciate a slower pace of life, breathtaking natural beauty, and delicious, wholesome cuisine, a visit to Abruzzo should be at the top of your travel list. With its charming hilltop villages and friendly locals, Abruzzo offers a glimpse into traditional Italian culture that is hard to find elsewhere. And if you’re looking to extend your life and improve your health, then the secrets of longevity practiced by the region’s centenarians are worth exploring. Come to Abruzzo and discover for yourself the simple yet fulfilling way of life that has made this region a hidden gem of Italy.

When to go
The best time to visit Abruzzo is during the spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) seasons, when the weather is mild and the crowds are smaller. In the summer months (July to August), the region can get quite hot, and many locals head to the coast for relief, making it a busier time for tourists. Winter (December to March) is a good time to visit for winter sports enthusiasts, as the region offers excellent skiing opportunities. However, the mountainous terrain can make travel difficult during this time.. The organization of the trip is quite easy. If time is short, perhaps it is best to seek the assistance of agencies that specialize in creating personalized individual holidays in this area to suit your specific interests, like Sicily & Beyond.

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