Easy10 min2 ServesMedium


Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Bruschetta mediterranea” is one of the most popular preparations of Italian antipasti. It is difficult to resist the strong and familiar Mediterranean taste of its basic ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, cherry tomatoes and basil.

There are several versions of bruschetta, but this time, our proposal includes the use of “primo sale” cheese from the Caseificio Terra Mia, Nasonte’s capperina and the inevitable Vardaro EVO oil.

“Primo Sale” Cheese120grs
Evo OilTo Taste


Start by heating the grill pan that will be used to toast the Mediterranean bruschetta.
Meanwhile, cut the bread in half and the cheese into slices.
Open the capperina and spread it on the inner sides of the bread. Then, add cheese and close everything.
Toast the bruschettas on both sides in the heated grill pan. As soon as they are golden brown, place them on a cutting board, and proceed to slice it into 3 cm thick slices.
Pour a drizzle of raw oil and serve the Mediterranean bruschetta while still hot.
For the presentation of the dish it is recommended to use typical Mediterranean vegetables. In this case, we have chosen hot pepper, red and green peppers.

Buon appetite!

Storage & Preservation

Consume immediately. You can keep it in the refrigerator for up to 1 day. Freezing is not recommended


For an optimal result we recommend you to cut the cheese into slices half a centimeter thick so that the cheese can melt more easily and enhance its flavor.
This preparation as well as being an excellent appetizer, could also great as a single dish by increasing the quantities.

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