Sardinian flavors and traditions – Kit S
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Selection of:
- 100% Sardinian products handcrafted at Km01x 250g Strawberry tree honey.
1x 175ml EVO extra virgin olive oil with saffron.
1 x 100g Artichokes, bottarga and white truffle cream,
1x 300g Campidanese sauce. (Sa Bagna Campidanese)
1x 500g Malloreddus cappelli wheat pasta.
1x 500g Sardinian Fregula pasta
1x 400g approximately dried myrtle sausage.
1x 200g approximately semi-seasoned pecorino cheese.(Canaiga)
1x 200g approximately semi-seasoned goat cheese. (Narocci)
1x 100g Alghero rosemary parchment Carasau bread.
1 x 900g Ovodda’s Carasau bread.
1 x 500g Assorted Sardinian typical pastry sweets.
FORMAT: Kit S - 4.3g

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Learn More“Kit S” is the typical regional Aperitive with traditional Sardinian products
The pack contains:
- Strawberry tree honey (miele di corbezzolo) made by La bottega del miele. Its late flowering does not make honey production particularly easy. Uni-floral honey can only be obtained where the activity of bees continues even during autumn. Almost only in Sardinia are the conditions necessary to obtain this highly prized honey. Strawberry tree honey has an amber color when liquid, while it changes to a hazelnut-brown color with gray-green tones when it crystallizes. Crystallization, a completely natural process that affects almost all types of honey, occurs rather quickly and with very fine crystals. Its texture becomes soft and creamy. The flavor is perhaps the most characteristic note of this honey. Both aroma and smell are very strong, intense and pungent. The nose recalls the scent of ivy leaves, coffee grounds, cocoa beans, rhubarb and gentian. The adjective most used to describe it, however, is certainly “bitter”. This peculiarity makes it truly niche honey and reserved for the admirers of this very particular taste.
- EVO extra virgin olive oil with saffron made by Corrias oil mill, it is a Condiment based on extra virgin olive oil and saffron.
- EVO extra virgin olive oil with myrtle made by Corrias oil mill company, it is obtained from the cold pressing of olives with myrtle.
- Artichokes, bottarga and white truffle cream is made by L’Isola dei Sapori. The combination of Sardinian spiny artichoke, with an intense and authentic taste, with Mullet Bottarga and White Truffle (Tuber Borchii), with a delicate and refined flavor, gives life to a creamy and original, unique and special velvety.
- Campidanese sauce with sausage is made by Su Bottu, an exquisite ready-made sauce, typical of the Campidano area. It is a ragù prepared with fresh pork sausage and tomatoes grown in Sardinia
- Malloreddus of Cappelli wheat pasta made by Araj pasta factory, a great classic of typical Sardinian cuisine. Generally more known as “gnocchetti sardi”. They are prepared with excellent grain, the “Senatore Capelli” wheat, a grain type with an undisputed value and taste.
- Sarda Fregula pasta made by Araj pasta factory. The fregula is a traditional Sardinia food. Typically based on non-whole durum wheat (Triticum durum), at first glance, it seems vaguely similar to bulgur and couscous.
- Sardinian dried myrtle sausage is made by Boutique dei Sapori, this sausage has a sweet and spicy flavor.
- Semi-seasoned Sardinian pecorino cheese (Canaiga) is made by L’Oasi WWF di Scivu. It has an intense flavor, a natural heir of Sardinian cheese, made with whole milk that is collected and transformed every day, using traditional methods, in order to preserve the exceptional organoleptic qualities unaltered.
- Semi-seasoned goat cheese (Narocci) made by L’Oasi WWF di Scivu, a semi-matured goat cheese (120 days of maturation) that contains all the goodness of goat’s milk, has an intense but at the same time delicate flavor tending slightly too spicy, is characterized by the drop cut.
- Alghero rosemary parchment Carasau bread Cherci Alghero makes it, it is a rectangular sheet of bread, thin, crispy and golden in color.
- Ovodda’s Carasau bread is made by Pane Santu bakery, that unmistakable snap as you break off a morsel is music to the ears. In fact, it is for this, along with its thinness and the crackling sound created as you eat it, that it’s affectionately nicknamed “music paper”. This typical Sardinian flatbread is more formally known as carasau.
- Assorted Sardinian typical pastry sweets made by Porta bakery, In our selection, you will always find something different based on the time of year, many typical sweets with a unique and unmistakable flavor are produced in Sardinia, one for every occasion.
- Strawberry tree honey (miele di corbezzolo), is very rich in antioxidants, especially polyphenols and flavonoids, it is also an important anti-inflammatory and, like other types of honey, it is very useful for combating coughs, sore throats and various seasonal diseases. It has beneficial effects in favor of the urinary tract and has astringent and purifying properties. It seems that its effect is far superior to that of Manuka honey, famous worldwide for its incredible beneficial properties.
- EVO extra virgin olive oil with saffron is obtained from the cold pressing of olives and flavoring with natural saffron. It has a special taste and aroma. It helps improve your mood, memory and learning ability, and protects your brain cells against oxidative stress. It also contains iron, potassium and calcium, vitamins such as vitamin C, C, D, vitamin B12 and B3; Rich in zinc and fats, it is also high in protein; it contains antioxidants and is very useful for hair and its regular use improves the appearance of hair, increases its softness and beauty, enhances scalp health, helps reduce hair loss and strengthens its follicles, and may protect it from damage and split ends.
- Evo extra virgin olive oil with myrtle is obtained from the cold pressing of olives with myrtle. Olive oil is beneficial as an antioxidant since it contains high levels of vitamin E. When consumed, olive oil promotes digestion, stimulates metabolism, and lubricates mucous membranes (olive oil contains vegetable mucilage that helps protect the gastrointestinal tract).
And Myrtle is high in a group of flavonols known as myricetins which are found in glycosides. A study on diabetic rats found that this compound can reduce glucose plasma levels, helping to regulate blood sugar levels in the body. The phytochemicals in Myrtle leaves work at the molecular level by fine-tuning the damaged insulin receptor, which is the cause of insulin resistance. - Artichokes, bottarga and white truffle cream. The raw materials used in the production, make the difference. Grown at KM 0, natural and genuine. They are characterized by a simple and authentic flavor. Born with the aim of enhancing the quality and the characteristic flavors of our land.
Artichokes are low in fat, high in fiber, and loaded with vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, phosphorus, and magnesium. They are also one of the richest sources of antioxidants. artichokes may lower blood sugar levels.
Bottarga is a good source of Omega-3, Vitamin D and Zinc
Truffles are rich in nutrients. They’re high in carbs, protein and fiber and contain both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, as well as micronutrients, such as vitamin C, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and iron; Truffles, are a great source of antioxidants, compounds that help fight free radicals and prevent oxidative damage to your cells; Truffles has antibacterial properties that can help decrease the growth of specific strains of bacteria. May Help Reduce Inflammation which is a vital part of your immune function that helps defend your body against infection and illness.
- Campidanese sauce with sausage Exquisite ready-made sauce, typical of the Campidano area, a ragù prepared with fresh pork sausage and tomatoes grown in Sardinia. Tomatoes are the major dietary source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been linked to many health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. They are also a great source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, and vitamin K. Fresh tomatoes are low in carbs. The carb content consists mainly of simple sugars and insoluble fibers. These fruits are mostly made up of water.
And the sausage provides a good amount of protein, fat, and sodium. It also contains several other micronutrients, including vitamin B12, niacin, and zinc.
- Malloreddus of Cappelli grain pasta produced with durum wheat grown in Sardinia. The processing is handcrafted, with bronze dies and slow drying at a low temperature. Much appreciated for its nutritional properties, Senatore Cappelli flour is rich in proteins, lipids, amino acids, B vitamins, E vitamin and mineral salts such as zinc, calcium, potassium and magnesium. It contains a rather low level of gluten compared to other durum wheat semolina on the market.
In fact, while this ancient grain contains about 10% of gluten, modern grains contain about 18% of it. The reason why the flours used for bread making are enriched with gluten is to allow the bread to swell during leavening.
Senatore Cappelli flour has a high content of flavonoids and antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties capable of promoting the reduction of intestinal inflammation and gluten intolerances.
In addition to being particularly digestible, it has a slightly lower amount of calories than other grains and has beneficial effects on cholesterol.
- Sarda Fregula pasta is a durum wheat semolina pasta, grown and machined in Sardinia, seems vaguely similar to bulgur and couscous. Durum wheat semolina pasta is obtained by mixing the semolina with water until it forms lumps and then toasted in the oven. You get to indulge in fregola without the typical carb and calorie overload. It has a special kind of dietary fiber called resistant starch, which helps maintain blood sugar and improve digestion.
- Dried myrtle sausage provides a good amount of protein, fat, and sodium. It also contains several other micronutrients, including vitamin B12, niacin, and zinc.
Myrtle contains various antioxidants and flavonoid compounds, including myricetin, as well as quercetin, catechin, citric and malic acids, linalool, pinene, tannins, and other sugars. This power-packed plant has the potential to significantly boost human health. The health benefits of myrtle include better respiratory health, skin care, boosted immunity, and hormone balance, among others. - Semi-seasoned Sardinian pecorino cheese (Canaiga): a traditional farming method of production is applied that allows the animals to graze in full freedom and to feed on the essences naturally present in the Oasis. This concept marks the difference of the cheese from the Oasi di Scivu compared to other cheeses: here the notes of juniper, strawberry tree, mallow, myrtle, oak and rosemary are thus found in the artisanal pecorino and goat cheeses, unique cheeses that are produced with the milk of the goats present in the WWF Oasis. Added to these features are the wholesomeness of the oasis air (the first town is 15km away) and the presence of the sea which further enriches the scent and flavor of the milk, giving rise to a unique product.
- Semi-seasoned goat cheese (Narocci) This goat cheese has the peculiarity of being obtained from goat’s milk: tastier and more digestible. The ingredients that it contains, have been pasteurized goat’s milk, rennet, salt and lactic ferments.
The vitamin supply includes B vitamins (in particular vitamins B1, B2 to counteract fatigue and migraine and B12 to counteract anemia) and fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, precious for skin and eyes. As for mineral salts, it is rich in calcium, potassium and phosphorus for bone health. - Alghero rosemary parchment Carasau bread is a baked product that can be defined as a very thin and fragrant cracker, it lends itself as an ideal snack, not being fried but only baked in the oven. They are made with only four ingredients: flour of durum wheat semolina, water, yeast and salt. Simple ingredients for a unique, high-quality product. A simple product that requires complex preparation by expert hands. The parchment bread is produced with the help of advanced machinery that observes age-old procedures and respects traditions.
- Ovodda’s Carasau bread is made with Sardinian stone-ground wheat. In the first phase of production, durum wheat flour, water, yeast and salt are mixed together. The mixture thus obtained is divided into various parts which are worked with extreme care to obtain thin pastry discs.
Then the discs are placed on linen sheets for an absolutely natural leavening. After having “rested” they go into the oven for the first cooking: the strong heat swells the pastry and separates it into two layers forming a large ball which is immediately taken out of the oven and divided into two sections. Here are the sheets of bread! The last phase of the process is the carasadura: the separated sheets are put back in the oven for the final cooking which gives the carasau a perfect roasting and a stronger flavor nuance.
It does not contain additives and GMOs. Contains gluten.
- Assorted Sardinian typical sweets few ingredients are used according to the tradition, namely: durum wheat, lard or oil ( to help soften the dough), sugar or Sardinian honey, “sapa” (grape must), raisin, almonds, dried fruit like walnuts and hazelnuts, eggs and some spices like saffron.
Some sweets contain orange flower water and fennel seeds to enrich their flavors. Another important ingredient is the citrus fruit, normally in the form of grated peel or toasted zest.
However, Sardinian sweets are made to be stored for a long period.
Bottega del Miele
- Careful and refined selection of typical Sardinian food products.
- Authentic manufacturing process
- Sardinian production at km0
- 100% Sardinian
Corrias oil mill.
The pressing of the best Sardinian olives, with herbs and fruits typical of the island, guides the production of our unique flavored oils.
- Careful and refined selection of typical Sardinian food products.
- Authentic manufacturing process
- Sardinian production at km0
- 100% Sardinian
L’Isola Dei Sapori
- Careful and refined selection of typical Sardinian food products.
- Authentic manufacturing process
- Sardinian production at km0
- 100% Sardinian
Preserved products: They are the maximum expression of long-life naturalness and are made with local and selected raw materials.
Crops without chemicals: The quality of our raw materials gives all products a sense of freshness and a unique taste. Our strength lies precisely in maintaining its authenticity.
Su Bottu In addition to the ancient recipes to obtain an excellent product, they always use only seasonal and local raw materials, the artichokes come from Samassi, the wild thistle is harvested in the countryside between Guamaggiore and Gesico, the tomatoes for our Isili and Samassi sauces, aubergines and courgettes from Barrali and Donori, and finally, chilies from Nuraminis.
- Careful and refined selection of typical Sardinian food products.
- Authentic manufacturing process
- Sardinian production at km0
- 100% Sardinian
Araj. All the production is with Senatore Cappelli flour, much appreciated for its nutritional properties. The processing is handcrafted, with bronze dies and slow drying at a low temperature. The work is very tiring but this effort is rewarded by an excellent Sardinian product from start to finish.
- Careful and refined selection of typical Sardinian food products.
- Authentic manufacturing process
- Sardinian production at km0
- 100% Sardinian
La Boutique Dei Sapori is a company that deals with the processing of typical Sardinian cured meats, which are performed manually by the “carnizzerisi” (meat processing workers) who, after a careful selection, work the various cuts with skill, giving birth “The cured meats of Terraseo”. The particularity of the territory, kissed by sea breezes, favors the maturation of the cured meats which somehow let themselves be enveloped by a fragrance that recalls the beautiful coasts of the Sulcis – Iglesiente.
- Careful and refined selection of typical Sardinian food products.
- Authentic manufacturing process
- Sardinian production at km0
- 100% Sardinian
L’Oasi WWF de Scivu: Our cheeses are made with traditional artisanal methods. This feature allows us to process even small quantities of milk with an enormous advantage in terms of quality. The milk we use comes from the 6 farms present in the WWF Oasis of Scivu. (World Wide Fund for Nature).
Company certifications:
- We collaborate with WWF OASI Srl. WWF Italy with various biodiversity conservation projects within the WWf Oasis of Scivu. The breeding companies we collaborate with are Brodu Mariano; Brodu Gianni; Brodu Alessandro; Brodu Maria; Secci Daniele; Meleddu Andrea. Fausta Atzedi’s company deals with aromatic plants and makes various jams. We also collaborate with the superintendency of cultural heritage for the conservation and other scientific projects of the Narocci nuraghe (from which our cheese takes its name), the most important Nuragic complex in the Medio Campidano.
- Careful and refined selection of typical Sardinian food products.
- Authentic manufacturing process
- Sardinian production at km0
- 100% Sardinian
Cherchi Srl. because of their production process and quality, they are “IFS food certificate”.
- Careful and refined selection of typical Sardinian food products.
- Authentic manufacturing process
- Sardinian production at km0
- 100% Sardinian
- The Santu Predu Bakery bases its ideas on ancient knowledge and new processing methods capable of ensuring all the guarantees of hygiene and a high quality standard of the final product. It has been producing carasau bread in Ovodda since 1998, using exclusively Sardinian wheat that is ground directly in the bakery, thanks to the incessant work of an old stone mill.
- Careful and refined selection of typical Sardinian food products.
- Authentic manufacturing process
- Sardinian production at km0
- 100% Sardinian
Since 1918 the Porta’s family has been well known for the delightfulness of its productions.
- Careful and refined selection of typical Sardinian food products.
- Authentic manufacturing process
- Sardinian production at km0
- 100% Sardinian
- Strawberry tree honey (miele di corbezzolo) as this honey is considered bitter, it is advisable to consume in combination with roasted cheeses, such as Scivu goat cheese; it is also excellent for giving an extra touch of flavor meat such as pork fillet (in this case we suggest to cook the meat in a pan with the onion and a drizzle of oil, add a glass of white wine and once it has evaporated and reached the desired cooking point, add a teaspoon of honey, mix everything and serve)
- EVO extra virgin olive oil with saffron is ideal for giving an extra aroma to seafood dishes, salads and seafood tartare.
- Evo extra virgin olive oil with myrtle It is a very good option to condiment red meat, pork roast, boiled meat, bushmeat and tuna.
- Artichokes, bottarga and white truffle cream Easy to add to your diet as a topping for salads, soups or main courses, also works well in sauces, pasta, risottos and meat or seafood dishes. It is perfect for spread a bruschetta.
- Campidanese sauce with sausage. It is the most classic condiment to accompany the famous malloreddus, perfect with a generous grating of pecorino cheese. The malloreddus alla Campidanese are a classic recipe of Sardinian cuisine.
This product is ideal for dressing 4 portions of pasta.
For a perfect result, heat the sauce by adding a ladle of pasta cooking water and add the drained pasta to the sauce, cook over low heat for 2 minutes and serve!
- Malloreddus of Cappelli grain pasta. any type of sauce goes well with this type of pasta, it is ideal to serve alla campidanese with sausage, tomato and saffron, it is a typical Sardinian dish.
The pasta cooking time is 12 minutes approximately.
- Sarda Fregula pasta It is ideal for use in soups, tomato-based sauces and especially with condiments based on seafood specialties. It can be cooked as a side dish, similar to rice and topped with savory foods. Fregola is also used as a substitute for couscous in tabouleh. Further, you could use fregola pasta as a morning breakfast grain, serve as a hot cereal or mix it with yogurt.
The typical Sardinian dish is Fregula with clams.
The pasta cooking time is 10 minutes approximately.
- Dried myrtle sausage is excellent to cut into 2 mm thick obliques slices as part of a serving tray of typical cold cuts and cheeses.
To taste this sausage in the best way, it is recommended to keep it at room temperature at least for an hour before consumption and remove the casing that contains it only in the part that will be cut to preserve its best. - Semi-seasoned Sardinian pecorino cheese (Canaiga) is perfect to be enjoyed in combination with honey, perhaps lightly roasted on a sheet of carasau bread.
- Semi-seasoned goat cheese (Narocci) it is perfect for a different aperitif, it can be savored with a dried myrtle sausage and parchment bread, also excellent to use as a gratin cheese on baked pasta.
- Alghero rosemary parchment Carasau bread. By virtue of its versatility, it is a valuable ally at the table, it goes perfectly well with all dishes, from salami to cheeses, from meat to fish, from jams to chocolate. Crispy and a little salty, the delicate crackers enhance the taste of every dish.
- Ovodda’s Carasau bread Carasau bread from Panificio Santu Predu lasts a long time without losing its precious organoleptic characteristics and can be eaten natural, that is dry, accompanied by a multitude of savory or sweet flavors. One of the ways to savor it is after a quick immersion in water, a step that returns to the thin sheet the moisture and softness necessary to be wrapped around delicious slices of cured meats or wedges of cheese, or used as a base for the preparation of first courses dishes. To wet it correctly, you need to run the water only on the internal and rough part of the pastry, then it drips by holding it in a vertical position for a few seconds. Thanks to this important feature, it is also possible to use pane carasau with juicy dishes such as red meat cooked rare, or foods that release oils or fats.
- Assorted Sardinian typical sweets In Sardinia there are more than 130 types of traditional Sardinian sweets and it is a good idea to try all of them, one by one. A good time to enjoy them could be at the end of the meal accompanied by excellent Sardinian wine, to make an unforgettable and engaging food experience. You can try them for a typical Sardinian breakfast or tea time.
- Strawberry tree honey (miele di corbezzolo) Honey tends to crystallize under a certain temperature, we recommend storing it in a place with a temperature not lower than 20 °C, otherwise, before use, heat in a bain-marie until the right consistency is reached.
- EVO extra virgin olive oil with saffron keep in a cool place away from heat and light sources. To be consumed preferably by the expiry date that is indicated in the package. We recommend closing well after use.
- Evo extra virgin olive oil with myrtle keep in a cool place away from heat and light sources. To be consumed preferably by the expiry date that is indicated in the package. We recommend closing well after use.
- Artichokes, bottarga and white truffle cream: Store in a cool and dry place, preferably at + 4 ° C. Consume within 18 months.
For perfect conservation, once opened, cover with a drizzle of oil and keep in the fridge.
- Campidanese sauce with sausage, once opened keep in the fridge for 2-4 days.
- Malloreddus of Cappelli grain pasta store in a cool and dry place, away from legumes and rice.
To be consumed preferably by the expiry date that is indicated in the package.
- Sarda Fregula pasta store in a cool and dry place, away from legumes and rice.
To be consumed preferably by the expiry date that is indicated in the package.
- Dried myrtle sausage: We suggest storing it in a cool, dry place, at constant temperature and with the packing. Shelf life of 6 months stored in refrigerator 5° -6° C / -4°C if protected by food paper sheet.
Once opened and cut, wrap any leftover salami in a dry tea towel or a resealable plastic pouch and store it in the refrigerator.
- Semi-seasoned Sardinian pecorino cheese (Canaiga) store in the refrigerator at 0-4 ° C; after opening, consume within a few days.
- Semi-seasoned goat cheese (Narocci) store in the refrigerator at 0-4 ° C; after opening, consume within a few days.
- Alghero rosemary parchment Carasau bread. Keep in a dry, cool place and do not expose to sunlight. Shelf Life: 12 months in a closed packet.
- Ovodda’s Carasau bread 12 months in original packaging.
- Assorted Sardinian typical sweets Once opened, we suggest storing them in a cookie holder at a temperature that does not exceed 20 ° C and consuming them within a week.
Sardinia Blue Zone
Authentic 100% Sardinian products
Authentic Sardinian products selected by our local food & wine expert, Maurizio Stara
Sardinia Blue Zone's assorted packages are all made in Sardinia according to local tradition, to bring the best of Sardinian diet, a key to the longevity of the inhabitants of this wild and magnificent island. Through the use of a few genuine and also 100% local ingredients, freshness and quality are guaranteed. All products are tested in the kitchen by Sardinian gastronomic experts. These are authentic food products with a short supply chain.
Sardinia, or Sardegna, its Italian name, is located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea and it is its second largest island, after Sicilia. It´s a land where ancient traditions, natural contrasts, colours and intense flavours always conquer every single visitor. Sardinian cuisine has the encharming of simplicity: genuine ingredients with strong flavours. It's possible to appreciate this culinary identity by trying several products such as Pecorino and Fiore Sardo cheeses, the Carciofo Spinoso (artichoke), Zafferano (saffron) and Bottarga (salted, cured fish roe). Wines are another way to discover the best tastes of Sardinia as each territory has one that characterizes it. This foodie tour wouldn't be complete without mentioning some of the typical pasta dishes. In Sardinia, pasta lovers can choose between dried pasta fregola and malloreddus and fresh pasta like culurgiones, filindeu and lorighittas. But there also authentic sardinian recipes based on meat and fish, such as suckling pig, lamb or goat, cordula (goat's intestines), entrails of lamb, boiled mutton, char-grilled eels, crustaceans, sea bass, sea bream and tuna cooked as many ways as you can imagine. The extra condiment of each preparation is the high quality.Sardinia
About this region
This pack is the result of a careful selection and research process. Among the Sardinian specialties included in this pack, 10 companies from the territory of Sardinia were selected.
- Strawberry tree honey is created when wild honeybees collect nectar from the beautiful but rare evergreen shrub, arbutus unedo, also known as th1e strawberry tree. While this evergreen is not uncommon, there are few in the world large enough to support wild beehives.
That being said, Sardinia’s Mediterranean coast is home to an astonishing number of grand ancient strawberry trees housing wild hives. Strawberry tree honey has been used by Sardinians since ancient times, for both its truly unique taste, as well as, its remarkable therapeutic properties.
Strawberry tree honey is not only praised by those who know it for its therapeutic properties, but also for its unique culinary flavor.
Strawberry tree honey offers a strong, often bitter, and decisive flavor largely influenced by both its origin and age. Initially a viscous and creamy texture, with a dark amber color, and hints of bitter herbs, green ivy, and ground coffee. A truly unique ingredient to have in the kitchen.
- EVO extra virgin olive oil with saffron made by Corrias oil mill, it is a Condiment based on extra virgin olive oil and saffron. Saffron comes directly from San Gavino Monreale, the Italian Capital of Saffron for its history, tradition, quantity produced and certified quality !! Saffron has been produced since 1500 with the same traditional method.
- Evo extra virgin olive oil with myrtle made by Corrias oil mill company, Extra virgin olive oil obtained from the cold pressing of olives with myrtle.
- Artichokes, bottarga and white truffle cream is made by L’Isola dei Sapori. The combination of Sardinian spiny artichoke, with an intense and authentic taste, with Mullet Bottarga and Bianchetto Truffle (Tuber Borchii), with a delicate and refined flavor, gives life to a creamy and original, unique and special velvety. A product that surprises with its intensity, with a strong and decisive character.
- Campidanese sauce with sausage made by Su Bottu, an exquisite ready-made sauce, typical of the Campidano area. It is a ragù prepared with fresh pork sausage and tomatoes grown in Sardinia.
It is the most classic condiment to accompany the famous malloreddus, perfect with a generous grating of pecorino cheese.
- Malloreddus of Cappelli wheat pasta made by Araj pasta factory, a great classic of typical Sardinian cuisine. They are prepared with excellent grain, the “Senatore Capelli” wheat, a type now almost abandoned by big industry, but with undisputed value and taste. For this reason, Araj has decided to produce some formats in purity only from this ancient kind of wheat with an ash-blond color, an intense aroma and a chewiness that enhances its flavor and fragrance. This variety of wheat is able to obtain a unique and unmistakable flavor.
In fact, while this ancient grain contains about 10% of gluten, modern grains contain about 18% of it. The reason why the flours used for bread making are enriched with gluten is to allow the bread to swell during leavening.
Senatore Cappelli flour has a high content of flavonoids and antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties capable of promoting the reduction of intestinal inflammation and gluten intolerances.
In addition to being particularly digestible, it has a slightly lower amount of calories than other grains and has beneficial effects on cholesterol.
- Sarda Fregula pasta made by Araj pasta factory, The fregola is a traditional Italian food, more precisely from Sardinia.
Typically based on non-whole durum wheat (Triticum durum), at first glance, it seems vaguely similar to bulgur and couscous.
Durum wheat semolina pasta is obtained by mixing the semolina with water until it forms lumps and then toasted in the oven. It can be used in soups, tomato-based sauces and especially with condiments based on seafood specialties.
It goes well with excellent fish and shellfish sauces, seasoned with saffron.
- Sardinian dried myrtle sausage is made by Boutique dei Sapori, this sausage has a sweet and spicy flavor. The first time you cut it, you will feel the unique aroma of the Sardinian Mediterranean vegetation.
- Semi-seasoned Sardinian pecorino cheese (Canaiga) is made by L’Oasi WWF di Scivu. It is a semi-aged pecorino cheese with an intense flavor, a natural heir of Sardinian cheese, made with whole milk that is collected and transformed every day, using traditional methods, in order to preserve the exceptional organoleptic qualities unaltered. Being an artisanal product, the same type of cheese is not always the same in weight and regularity of shape. Hence the difficulty of making completely homogeneous pieces.
- Semi-seasoned goat cheese (Narocci) a semi-matured goat’s cheese (120 days of maturation), contains all the goodness of goat’s milk, it has an intense but at the same time, delicate flavor, tending slightly to spicy, which is characterized by the drop cut. Its flavor makes it perfect for a different aperitif, to be savored with a dried myrtle sausage and parchment bread, also excellent to use as a gratin cheese on baked pasta.
- Cherci Alghero makes Alghero rosemary parchment Carasau bread, it is a rectangular sheet of bread, thin, crispy and golden in color. A simple product that requires complex preparation by expert hands. The parchment bread is produced with the help of advanced machinery that observes age-old procedures and respects traditions.
- Ovodda’s Carasau bread is made by Pane Santu bakery, That unmistakable snap as you break off a morsel is music to the ears. In fact, it is for this, along with its thinness and the crackling sound created as you eat it, that it’s affectionately nicknamed “music paper”. This typical Sardinian flatbread, more formally known as carasau, originated hundreds of years ago in the mountainous area of Barbagia. The Santu Predu bakery, located in the tiny village of Ovodda, has been baking carasau since 1998, using only the finest ingredients and combining modern production methods with ancient flavors.
The double baking ensures our carasau lasts and lasts without losing the precious crispiness that characterizes it. You can enjoy it dry, heaped with a host of sweet or savory toppings, or dampened and softened and wrapped around slices of salami or cheese. To dampen it, simply sprinkle water over the uneven side of the bread, and then, holding it vertically, shake off the excess drops. Carasau’s versatility also means it can be used in place of pasta, as well as making a great base or accompaniment for red meat or other dishes with juices that are best enjoyed when you can mop them up and savor every last drop.
- Assorted Sardinian typical sweets made by Porta bakery, In our selection, you will always find something different based on the time of year, many typical sweets with a unique and unmistakable flavor are produced in Sardinia, one for every occasion.